northern pin oak การใช้
- A combination of jack pine and northern pin oak dominated the park before European settlement.
- Northern pin oak ( " Q . ellipsoidalis " ) susceptibility is extreme when monocultures exist.
- Northern pin oak forests are typically found on entisol soils ( aka barren sands or lakebed sands ) in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and these forests are often misidentified as oak savanna.
- Mistaking northern pin oak forest monocultures for oak savanna, then burning them for oak savanna restoration, has made state and federal lands north of Minneapolis-St Paul the largest oak wilt disease reservoirs in Minnesota.
- After 2005, treatment goals shifted towards " passive oak wilt control " on properties less than 5 acres and, for large acreages, treating to natural barriers or edges, especially when managing northern pin oaks on entisol soils.